Writer. Editor. Content Strategist.

Everyday Food with Sarah Carey — Omnichannel Content Strategy

The Challenge
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia wanted to start a new weekly video recipe newsletter for their Everyday Food publication. They had the talent (editor-in-chief Sarah Carey), the recipes, and the film crew. I was brought in to help manage the production, turn it into a viable digital offering, and grow subscriptions.

My Approach
I worked with Sarah Carey to plan each week’s recipes for filming. I worked with the various teams involved to create an efficient workflow — from filming to production to publishing — and managed the production process. I also wrote all newsletter copy, social media posts, signup modules, and banner ads for the project. I also worked with the team to launch the Everyday Food Windows 8 app, one of the first on the platform.

The Result
After launching the video series, we grew viewership with an average 7% increase in views & 12% subscriber growth each month, up to 900,000 subscribers in less than a year.

EDFwSC-A Quicker Way to Cook Pork Tenderloin, Plus the Easiest Side 2013-04-20 11-58-00.png
EDFwSC-Make a New Orleans-Style Shrimp Po'boy at Home. It's So (Big) Easy! 2013-04-20 11-56-49.png